Orange Warsaw Festival
Open'er Festival


transfer data:

BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
Account: PL23 1750 0009 0000 0000 1090 0638
Alter Art Festival sp. z o.o.
ul. Kazimierzowska 14
02-589 Warszawa
Please make sure you put the order identification number as the title of payment. The order identification can be found in the "history" section - it consists of letter A and a few digits. Please add also the name and surname from the log in form.

When calculating the transfer amount, please ensure you account for any currency conversion fees charged by your bank. Additionally, please note that the customer is responsible for covering all bank fees associated with the payment.

Attention! The option "pay by transfer" will be disabled a few days before the festival, as there is no chance that the transfers made within those days would be received by our company on time.

  • - The ticket is available only after the payment has been entered in the books.
  • - Tickets can be printed many times.
  • - Tickets can be printed on any printer, also black and white.
  • - The printout can be decreased to A5 format. Please make sure that the bar code is legible.

Electronic ticket is available in PDF (Portable Document Format).
PDF is the most popular format to view and print electronic publications.
To print the ticket you need free Adobe Reader (formerly called Adobe Acrobat Reader).

The software can be downloaded at the producer's site (English version):
or many other sites.

If after installing Adobe Reader there is still a problem with printing you should choose "Save" option which will appear after clicking "print ticket". Then save the ticket onto the disk and, after saving, open it. In this way you can also print the ticket using another computer, e.g.: by saving it on USB pen drive.